Warning Signs Missed? Parents Say They Warned School About Former Teacher’s Behavior

Parent-Teacher Meeting Notes

Warning Signs Missed? Parents Say They Warned School About Former Teacher’s Behavior

Prior Warnings Unheeded

Disturbing revelations continue to surface regarding the apparent sexual misconduct of Jose Hernandez Grimaldo, a former teacher at International Leadership of Texas (ILTexas). Arrested on charges of sexually assaulting a 12-year-old student, Grimaldo’s conduct was reportedly brought to the school administration’s attention by worried parents before his arrest.

Charges & Arrest

Jose Hernandez Grimaldo, 46, was apprehended last week after allegedly sexually assaulting a young student in a campus restroom and intimidating her into silence. These developments have only come to light following our initial reporting on Grimaldo’s arrest.

From Bruises to Inappropriate Touching

Parents Erin and Michael Williams tell our reporters that their son returned home with bruising on his arm less than a month after Grimaldo’s employment began at the school. Despite reporting their concerns to the school, they say the administration failed to act effectively, allowing Grimaldo to continue in his role as a Spanish teacher.

Frustratingly, the parents have discovered discrepancies between the school’s account of the incidents and their own experiences with local law enforcement and Child Protective Services. When they contacted the College Station police, they were informed that no calls had been received from the school regarding suspected abuse. The Williamses felt required to start the formal complaint process with CPS themselves, seemingly one step ahead of the school on this matter.

Reassignment and Further Accusations

Parents were shocked to learn that the school allowed Hernandez Grimaldo to transfer to another campus while under investigation for inappropriate touching, and after successfully appealing a decision made against him. The transfer occurred even after additional allegations of inappropriate touching of students were brought forward.

Further accusations against Grimaldo included touching a female student’s thigh and another’s belly button in a manner that students described as uncomfortable. After being fired and reappointed during an appeals process, Grimaldo remained in his teaching role even as police were investigating the sexual assault allegations.

Parents Demand Change

Erin and Michael Williams are now calling for faster reporting procedures and external investigations. Erin passionately states, “I don’t want this to continue. I don’t want it to happen to any other children. And I don’t want these particular administrators to be in charge of a school. They have proven that they’re incompetent.”

Hernandez Grimaldo remains in custody facing child sexual assault charges. Our requests for further information on this case from College Station Police and IL Texas are currently under review.

Official Statement from IL Texas

IL Texas issued a statement saying they’d reported the initial incident to the College Station Police Department and Department of Family and Protective Services. They also clarified that in the aftermath of the allegations of inappropriate touching, Grimaldo received a letter of reprimand, instructing him not to physicaly interact with students in any way. However, after additional complaints of inappropriate behavior, his contract was terminated for violating the terms of the reprimand letter. The statement also clarified that the complaints did not mention any sexual assault allegations.


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